Fall color and a new friend
It is that time of year, where the weather turns colder and work in the vines, while not exactly ‘over’, is certainly less demanding. The leaves in the trees begin to turn, and we have some really beautiful color on top of our already beautiful mountains. For me personally, I don’t care for the colder weather, but I am always in awe of the views. We had our first freezing temperatures last weekend. It was pretty incredible, one night lows were in the 50’s, the following evening it dipped to 25F! One afternoon, the leaves on the vines were still mostly green, with some touches of red, and immediately after the freeze, they were shriveled brown. In a few more days, they will be gone entirely.
But there are some really great things happening here, and I am excited to share them with you. First, we signed up our first retail partner last night! Sunburst Market [http://www.sunbursttrout.com/market] at 142 N Main St, Waynesville NC is now carrying the Addison Farms Vineyard 2012 Orion and our Smokehouse Red. Thank you, Katie and Clay; we are very excited to be part of your portfolio of local offerings!
Second, we have two holiday festivals coming up the first weekend in December. We are participating in the first Holiday Fair, 6-8 December at the WNC Ag Center. We are pretty jacked up about it; there are going to be lots and lots of crafts, local products, and of course, local wines!
On that same Saturday, 7 Dec, we are hosting an as-yet-unnamed community crafts show at the Addison Farms Vineyard tasting room. Our working name is Perfect Pairings: Red, White and Art, but that is still subject to change. We have nine local crafts people signed up to join us, and offer their paintings/pottery/chocolate/brooms/leather/ jelly/jams for your holiday gift giving!
I know what you are thinking, or at least what I am thinking: It sounds crazy to be attempting two events on the same weekend, and you are probably correct. But we are excited to be part of both events, and we hope to see you at one or both!